An advanced development programme for executive coaches called self-practice/self- reflection (SP/SR) is gaining in popularity. It involves understanding coaching ‘from the inside out’ – by a small group of 4 or 5 coaches bringing their own challenges or issues to a one-day SP/SR session and being coached on these. They can then reflect on this coaching and apply the learnings within their practice. The benefits of SP/SR include:
Having the opportunity for coaches to work on their own issues and challenges – coaches tend to give a great deal to their clients but receive relatively little self-care in return
Coaches come to understand that being a client is not simple and so it is easy for them to develop new levels of empathy for their own clients
By observing the reality of coaching in action SP/SR participants understand the iterative, dynamic and sometimes rather chaotic nature of the coaching process. Rarely does the reality of coaching follow a set process that is suggested by many coaching books and articles
The vulnerability that participants show in SP/SR sessions is important as it often leads to a realisation that the problems faced are common in the group and that the individual is not alone in struggling with issues such as work-life balance or frustration with peers or clients.
For more information contact Dr Iain McCormick 021 575449
Photo credit: Leon (Unsplash)